Jolt Cola and Chips is No Way To Manage an SE Team

Bill Balnave
4 min readOct 11, 2022
Thank you iStock

I was a last-minute homework-doer in school. Homework was what you did to get a grade. It wasn’t about learning. That served me just fine all through my required schooling and into the first two years of university. Then, in my third year, s*it got real.

At university, my homework wasn’t graded. My instructors didn’t care whether I completed it or not. And given it wasn’t graded, I would rarely bother. I focused on the stuff that counted toward my actual grade. You know, the important stuff. That was typically an exam, a mid-term, another exam, and a final. Or it might have been just a mid-term and final. Or maybe there was a project thrown in there as well. Regardless, nowhere in the list of things that counted towards grades was homework. That was just a suggestion. So, I focused mostly on cramming for the exam the night before. Lots of Jolt Cola (come on — who remembers it???) and bag after bag of various chips. Study all night. Shuffle to class in sweats with my ball cap on backward. Take test. Go back to the dorm and sleep. And for the most part, that worked really well.

Right up until I got through my first round of exams in my third year and got my grades. They had never been so low in my scholastic life. I had finally reached the level of knowledge difficulty where my brain could no longer consume half a semester’s worth of…



Bill Balnave

Half geek half sales guy wholly opinionated writer who found sales engineering and made a good living at it. Giving back to help those looking to do same.